Influential Leadership Programs

Do you wonder why some of your leadership team generate high levels of team engagement with a winning culture, while other members fail to well?

Kevin teaches your leadership team to walk through the questions that team members must have answered before they will become fully engaged.

Stop Gambling

And Start Winning With Others

Today’s workforce is volatile and with continued turnover of the workforce. This causes increased costs and reduced speed in our organizations. Collaboration decreases, organizational engagement is at an all time low, and leadership teams can’t understand what is happening. The problem is that people are gambling with relationships instead of cultivating strong bonds. They are not doing this intensionally, but rely on hopes that they can make people move forward with pay and positional titles.

Leaders play a pivotal role in setting the tone for authentic collaboration and fostering an environment where individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute their best efforts towards shared goals.

If you want your leaders to win with others then you need to help them to stop gambling and start winning!

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Move teams forward with greater levels of buy-in and enthusiasm

  • Increase engagement to move the organization forward with more engagement which increases profits

  • Answer the three core questions that everyone asks on every interaction successfully and start winning with others

Mastering Influence

The Leader’s Edge

Leaders fail by only leading from Positional Leadership, expecting their teams to follow their orders. Because of this most leaders experience a lack of engagement from those they lead, resulting in high turn over in their workforce. High turnover means increased costs and loss of time onboarding new team members. These same leaders can not understand why this keeps happening only to assume those individuals who have left are chasing monetary gain when in fact it is because leaders do not understand the key ingredient in leadership.

The best leaders know that people do not leave a job, they fire their boss. Having the correct focus on people will generate greater loyalty and drive increased engagement from your teams.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the key ingredient in leadership

  • Build greater trust and engagement in your organization

  • Decrease corporate turnover

  • Understand the three questions you must master on every interaction