Do you wonder why some of your sales team sell your products and services amazingly well while most of the others do not seem to do as well?

Kevin teaches your team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions and in the correct order to generate more sales with high PROFITS!!!

Sales professionals need a process that is easy to follow, repeatable, and generates high levels of success!

The Sales Process Uncovered

In today's markets goals are set high and timelines shortened to meet desired outcomes.  Organizations annually invest billions of dollars to help their sales force learn the newest trends in hopes of boosting their revenue.  The issue is that all the latest trends still revolve around the same core principles on the sales process with new vocabulary.  These latest trends actually slows the sales process as the sales force learns this new vocabulary while trying to incorporate it into their sales pitch. 

Instead of learning new ways of saying the same things, you focus on the main steps in the buying decisions as well as the selling steps in the selling process.  It is that simple focus on the process, not the vocabulary in order to grow your revenues.  Learn from Kevin’s knowledge of being able to sell business to business, business to consumer, and in any industry. This same process works for 100 dollar deals up to multi-million multiple year contracts.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Hit the sales targets efficiently

  • Stay focused on the overall goal of the relationship

  • Strategically think through the sales process

  • Enable the customer to be a hero of their story

  • Move from one time customer to partnership relationships

Win With Others

In the workplace, leaders must avoid gambling with relationships, which undermines productivity and organizational cohesion. By serving their employees and helping them succeed, leaders can cultivate trust and cooperation, driving success and nurturing a positive work environment. Prioritizing transparency and respect, leaders foster a supportive culture where team members feel valued and empowered to contribute their best efforts, ultimately enhancing productivity and strengthening team dynamics.

Kevin walks the audience through the five buy-in decisions that people must make before they buy-in to the mission or vision. Positional leadership will not sustain the required effort to win long term. In order to move the needle in the organization the leaders need to be able to grow and sustain the relationships of those around them. This is not just their team, but the entire organization.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Win with others to gain their buy-in for longterm effort and engagement

  • Increase their influence and free them up to think strategically and move out of the tactical day to day needs

  • Walk with others on their journey to help them find fulfillment in the work they do

  • Increase levels of buy-in from others across the organization to move forward together