Do you ever get back from a vacation and think that you need a vacation from your vacation?  Are you able to unplug when you are away from the office on vacation?  Do you feel truly rested after the weekend?  How often when you are supposed to rest are you checking emails for work behind your family’s back?  Like you have some secret mistress known as a J.O.B.

I have been spending the time to relax on my Sundays over the past year.  I take time to rest because I keep a pretty rigorous schedule.  I’m up between 5 and 6 am to get started on my day by prepping with reading, my devotions, and my goals.  This is all before I hop in the shower to get ready to work.  

I work hard and workout hard.  This means when it is time to rest, I need to rest.  Now I don’t have an oxygen chamber, freezing chamber, or any of that scientific stuff.  I take power naps, read, hang out with friends and family, take walks, relax on the boat, etc.   I need to unplug so that I can refresh my mind.  

When our mind is constantly going and firing on all cylinders it gets fatigued.  Our brain needs rest to repair and form new synapsis.  Which is why when we are rested we typically come up with the greatest break throughs for problems that we are trying to solve.   Our creativity goes up, our brain does not feel foggy, our decision making is more clear, etc.  Forbes did an article that is helpful with understanding why we need rest with some action steps we can take to accomplish rest.  

I know there are some of you reading that think that sleep is for the weak and the dead.  That is something my mother still says to this day.  The toughest people I have ever met are Navy Seals.  There we twenty years older than me and could outperform me.  These people actually go through something called Hell Week and they are up with no sleep for days.  Not hours, days.  They hallucinate, they have depleted testosterone levels, they have trouble making decisions, etc.  

A gentleman names Kirk Parsley was an active seal and studied health and he actually teaches high performing people on the effects of sleep.  I have put a link here for a quick video of him talking about sleep.  He briefly talks about how these high performers had testosterone levels of young girls because of the deprivation and constant fatigue from lack of rest.

If Seals and athletes need to make sure that they take time to rest, the rest of us humans should take notice.  We need to make sure we are having self care.  I know for some people may think they are stronger than the rest and can go without rest, but it is true.  We need to unplug and rest if we are going to continue to function at high levels.  

If we do not take time to rest then we will not function and it can impact our health with different diseases.  Not just being grouchy, but actual diseases that can kill us.  Do yourself a favor and take time to unplug to rest and recover so that you can get back into the fight rested with more capacity.  


Have a great week!

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